Reimbursement Procedure

In order to keep printing process as low as possible, we need to review the errors before a reimbursement can be made. This allows us to identify and correct issue quickly and identify and explain any user mistakes that might have been made.

Printing Reimbursement Procedure:

  1. You have 30 days to report to the Advanced Technology staff a printing error. A printing correction WILL NOT be made after 30 days from the time the error occurred
  2. Log into your PaperCut account and click the “Request Refund” option.  
  3. Then come to the Advanced Technology office to seek a refund.
    Please Note: You need to bring with you any misprints for review. If you do not have the misprints with you then a reimbursement cannot be given.
  4. If there is a dispute with what was reimbursed, then a final decision will be made by the Director of Advanced Technology.

The following printing errors WILL NOT be reimbursed. These are caused by user errors and unauthorized use of a logged in machine.

  • Plots that did not follow the “Plotting-Req’d Workflow including plotting a PDF and then plotting the PDF
  • Unauthorized printing done on a computer that was left logged in.
  • Printing done during an unauthorized login using your NetID and password.
  • Prints that are rotated or cropped.
  • Prints sent to the wrong printing device.
  • Excess printing by accidentally selecting multiple copies.
  • Plots that exceed the maximum recommended length of 120”

The following printing errors WILL be reimbursed. These types of errors were caused by a malfunction in the system or printing device.

  • The print job ran out of ink or the paper jammed during printing. You need to present the partially printed portion or jammed paper in order to get reimbursed for the whole print job.
  • Printing jobs that completely spooled, but then never printed. Please note that if the job did not spool completely, then it was not charged to the PaperCut.
  • If you cancel your job part of the way through, you need to being the printed portion of your plot and you will only be charged for the portion of the plot that actually printed.